ProtectLCW Info

You can ask us anonymous questions through Curious Cat ↑↑

Admin info
Account currently run by 3 people. We are looking for more admins to help us with this account.
If you're interested protecting Lucas as an admin or just wanna know more details about this account, click (this) for more information.
Activity info
We try to be as active as possible, but we hope you understand that we also have a private life, so sometimes we might be a little busy.
You can help us by sending DMs of the accounts that should be blocked and reported, etc. We also hope you take your time to tell us why we should report it.
Our main goals are protecting Lucas and fighting against hate mainly on Twitter and TikTok. (Instagram, YouTube, Weibo)
GDM and DM
There are also Protect Lucas GDM (group direct message) where we send all important informations, so if you want to join send us DM.
DM (direct message) is always open, so feel free to come talk to us any time you want. If you feel like talking to someone, we'll be there for you. We can talk about anything you want.

Backup account: @LucasProtect

Basically all you need to know ↓↓
We are Protect Lucas account! We tweet mass report tweets and when there's nothing to report, we support Lucas in other ways.
DM us problematic tweets/accounts.
All links:🔗
Wanna join us as an admin or know more about this acc?Link
How to report?Link
What we do
We're protecting Lucas from malicious intent by reporting negative / abusive comments about him. We also clear searches if they are messed up, example the letters F and S. Sometimes we promote him brand reputation!!
If you're not sure how to report, you can check (these) report guide examples for different things.
We also organise Lumi Selca day every 25th of each month more info ↓↓
Lumi Selca Day
Selca day every 25th of each month starting at 12AM KST. Every month has its own theme and we'll realise more details about it one day before.
This isn't only a selca day. It's also day that we post positive messages about Lucas. This our project to Lumis, so we hope you'll have fun!!
We want your ideas
Always remember that this account isn't just about our ideas, it's about all Lumis. We would like to get other Lumis opinions on whatever you would like this account to do, so share ideas through DM.

Are you interested in joining us as an admin or do you wanna know more about how we do this?

Read this for more information.

Why are we looking for more admins?

This account needs more admins to keep it more alive. It becomes easy with practice in a group of people who communicate well and know what is the main goal.

We don't wanna scare you away but to be honest, this is a really easy job.

When we have more admins, we can share the tasks, who does what and if some day someone is going to be more inactive, it's okay. At least everyone knows about it and someone else can tweet those necessary tweets.

Don't take stress about this, we do this to Lucas, we gather experience and have fun even though the topics of the accounts that should be reported are a bit depressing.


How we do this together?

In our admin group chat we discuss what to tweet and what to type in it.


How can you join?

You can always DM us and see if you want to be an admin for a long-term. It doesn’t have to be permanent because temporary help really helps a lot. You will gain experience with us.

You're not sure how to report?
Then this is the right place.

(Twitter and TikTok)

Twitter Guide

Example, when we tell you to follow the steps under "Hateful tweets", look at the tweet guide (on the right) and find it there.

When you start reporting tweet you press three dots and then press
"Report Tweet".

You should have different options in front of you, start following the steps.

First step, press "IT'S ABUSIVE OR HARMFUL". Then after that you see new options and press "IT'S DISRESPECTFUL OR OFFENSIVE".

Then you press "Block @" or if you have already blocked the account press "Done".


GIF example:

Tweet guide

Account guide

TikTok Guide

TikTok has many report options for different reason.

We'll tell you every time how to report under the tweet.


This is the example why how we'll tweet it:

Report ➡️ Report account ➡️ Posting Inappropriate Content ➡️ Harassment or bullying ➡️ Celebrity ➡️ Submit ➡️ Block @/.


GIF version:

All options when reporting TikTok video.

All options when reporting TikTok an account.